Monday, October 27, 2008

What a bunch of silly girls...

As you all know Gracie had given my camera a bath...after many hours of trying to dry it out and after several battery changes it is working once again!!! YAY...YIPPEE...YE HA... YESSSS!!!

I have been taking crazy pictures of the kids in trying to make sure all is well with the camera! So far so good! What a blessing! Hope you enjoy these random shots of the kids being silly!


Nichole W. said...

They are funny. That's awesome that your camera works again! Did you put it in rice like I suggested?

Tanna said...

What silly monkeys!! Soooo cute though, don't you wish they could be like this all the time instead of the fighting, bickering, talking back, etc. LOL! (At least that's how it is at my house, maybe not at yours.:)