Sunday, April 12, 2009

Coloring Easter EGGS...

The kids and I colored Easter Eggs on Saturday late afternoon. It was so much fun and the kids really enjoyed it. They each got to do a dozen and a few extra's :) Here is a video of the events and also a few pictures. I am so very grateful for this time of year because of the Birth of our beloved Savior Jesus Christ. I am so grateful for all he has done for not only me but also my family. I love him so very much and my Heavenly Father for sending his son to this Earth. I can't even begin to think of the pain that he felt knowing what his beloved son would go through. Love to you all!

I thought it was so cute how Gracie said "HAPPY JESUS" instead of Happy Easter! She must be in tune with him.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

What wonderful home teachers we have!!!

We have some of the greatest home teachers ever!!! They are so Christ like and we absolutely love them. Kirk & Susie are so very thoughtful every Holiday they have brought our family some sort of treat each time they come. They have even brought over little activities for the kids to do while they are here. We couldn't ask for better people to come and visit us and share the love of the gospel they have. We love them so very much and look forward to seeing them each month and on Sunday's!!! WE LOVE YOU BOTH SO VERY MUCH and THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU DO FOR OUR FAMILY!!!

For Easter they brought over this cute "bunny cake" Susie made it and its the funnest thing I have ever seen.

Thanks again!!!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


We went to St. George for the weekend on March 20th to the 22nd. We stayed with my Dad & Karen at their home in St. George. It was so much fun spending time with them. they took us to ZIONS NATIONAL PARK. That was so amazing! I had never been to the actual park area to do hikes and that until now! It was so beautiful and amazing! Can't wait to go back! We had a picnic and went to the visitors center then did a hike up the Narrows. We also went for a ride further up the canyon and went through the TUNNEL!!! OHHH MY GOSH! The entire time I felt like I couldn't breath! It was fun and scary all at the same time. The kids really enjoyed it. My Dad & Karen are both Park Rangers for Zions National Park. Karen is in the administration end of it to where my Dad is a Ranger helping people. Thank you so much Dad & Karen for taking us to ZIONS and sharing the love you have for it. We can't WAIT to go again!!!

Hayli and her 6th grade class with Mr. Holley

Here are some random shots of events during the school year. I have been one of the "ROOM MOM's" and have really enjoyed being a part of that with Hayli. I love this school so very much and have been so happy with the Programs they have there. Hayli this year got to learn to play the violin and has really enjoyed it. It has been challenging but yet also rewarding to hear her play. I'm so very proud of her! Love you miss MONKEY!!!

February 22, 2009 another litter of kittens....

Well, Tinkerbell had another litter of kittens. This time she had 5 kittens and they are all grey tabbies. What a bunch of cuties they are. She had 2 sets of girl twins and one single boy. The first set of twins are lighter than the second set and then the little boy is a long haired darker tabby. The day they were born they were all gone! What a blessing that was to not have to look for homes for them.

The whole birthing process I think is so important for kids to experience. It just teaches them how beautiful life is and for the chance to be able to tell others about that NOT EVERYONE will ever be able to witness. I really think that pets are a very important part of life and I don't know that I could ever not have a pet. They just have such personalities and unconditional love for everyone. So if you don't have a pet...GET ONE!!!! lol

Kids Valentines...


Sorry everyone its been awhile since I have posted and I have a TON to catch up on! But its better late than never right.... LOL I always say... "IT'S BETTER LATE AT THE GOLDEN GATE THAN TO ARRIVE IN HELL ON TIME" Hope you all enjoy all the new posts! Love to everyone!


For Valentines me and the kids made Steve a "CANDY BAR POSTER" It was so cute and funny! Steve really enjoyed his gift. He has never gotten one of these before and thought it was the neatest thing ever! Its amazing that how the most inexpensive "HOME MADE" gifts mean so much more than anything else that could be bought. I love you STEVE SO VERY MUCH!!!

Hayli & her R.A.D. KIDS testing....

At Hayli's school they had the RAD KIDS program. This is a program to where they teach kids how to protect themselves. Hayli really enjoyed this and has had fun showing her sisters what she has learned.