Monday, September 29, 2008

Kenli & Grandma make CARAMEL CORN...

We surprised my Mom with a drop in one Sunday unannounced.... tee hee hee Well Mom fed us dinner and we just hung out and enjoyed each others company! I really enjoyed the evening of fun and laughter. After dinner Hayli asked Grandma if she would make her fabulous CARAMEL CORN! (Why is it Grandma's can't say NO...) By this time I had needed to leave a couple ours ago but we ended up staying and Kenli got to make the caramel corn with Grandma.

Kenli is still telling us she
cooked with Grandma! My MOM is the GREATEST cook!!! I need to just go down and spend a day learning!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Gracie found the Oreo cookies!

As I was working on getting my order sent the other night Gracie found the Oreo's! She was sitting on the card table next to me indulging herself with the delicious cookies we all know and love. The funny thing is, she would just pull them appart and lick out the icing out of the middle of them... EWWW that is just nasty! I have to eat the whole thing dunked in ice cold MILK!!! That is the only way to eat oreo's. YUMMY I had to take several shots of her because she was being so silly and not wanting to have her picture taken. Once she realized how dirty she was getting she got upset and wanted me to get the wet wipes. I gave her a couple and she started to clean herself off. Crazy girl... doesn't like to be sticky!

Kenli stuck to Grandma's Freezer...

We dropped in at my Mom's last Sunday after a baby Blessing in American Fork. While we were there Kenli kept opening Grandma's deep freeze and licking the ice off of shelves. Well after awhile she would start to whimper and then come in the living room with her toung sticking out... I went to see what all she was doing and she showed me!!! I opened the freezer and there were little spots of blood on the edge of the shelf. I said Kenli what were you doing? She showed me and when she showed me she got stuck again... I hurried and grabed the camera and took a couple of pictures of her. Poor kid...but she just wouldn't quit eating the ice!!! She finaly quit once her tounge really started to bleed and she didn't like that at all. We all got a great giggle off of my little darling Kenli... The funny girl!

Lime green Dragonfly...

We were on our way out the door to go to church last Sunday and we found this beautiful LIME GREEN DRAGONFLY!!! This thing was so vibrant in color I had never seen anything like it. I asked Hayli to run into the house to grab the camera so we could take a few pictures of it. The kids all wanted to hold it so we all took turns with it. Once I got looking at it a little closer I noticed that one of its wings was broken. I tried to help straighten out its wing and we put it on our bbq cover to let it rest and heal. By the time we got home from church the dragonfly was gone. So I hope it was ok and not mauled by one of the cats.... LOL

Bubble beard....

Kenli was in the bath tub the other day and I had put some bubbles in it for her. She had a great time playing in all the bubbles. I walked in and she said to me..."MOM...I'm SANTA CLAUS" It was so cute so I had to grab the camera and take a few shots of her! Gotta love kids and their imaginations!!!

OHHH what a MESS.....

Hayli being the great sister she is decided to take the kids outside to paint one afternoon. This is how the kids looked after the painting expedition.... what a MESS!!! I ended up having to put the little ones in the tub to get them clean...


This spring I decided that I wanted to do a garden. In the 14 years we have been married we have never done one and have wanted to do one. I pulled out a part of our back yards lawn to put it in. Our neighbor Gene came over with his tiller to help me put it in and he started to till it up but the tiller couldn't get through the grass. He said we would have to hand dig it out. I hand pulled out a 15 foot by 30 foot space of our lawn that the root system was almost 8 inches THICK!!! It took me about 2 days to get it all ready for Gene to come back over with the tiller to till it all under.

After all the preparation time it was planting time. We planted Cucumbers, 6 cherry tomato plants with 3 different types, Radishes, Carrots, Peas, Green Beans, Zucini, Yellow Summer Squash, Watermelon, Cantaloupe, Pumpkins 2 different kinds, and Sunflowers. Our garden has been so much fun not only for me but also the kids. They have really loved going out and finding what is coming up. Once the pumpkins came in they took over a lot of the garden! We didn't get any cantaloupe or watermellon but everything else did great. Next year I will for sure do more PEAS and Cucumbers!!! Those have been a favorite with everyone.

Here are a few pictures of the kids in the garden with some of our crop.

Lots of love to you all and hope everyone enjoyed their gardens too!!!