Friday, September 5, 2008

The Mayne Family Reunion

Me and the girls went to the Mayne 2008 Family Reunion in August. This was so much fun to get together with all of my Aunts, Uncles & Cusins! I really enjoyed getting to visit with everyone and seeing how all the family have grown. Its crazy to know how a couple of years changes everything. While at the reunion I took a bunch of random pictures of everyone and then I had someone take a picture of Me, my Dad & my Sister Valerie... I honestly don't know of any other time that we have had the 3 of us in a picture. Every time I see this picture I get tears in my eyes. It really means a lot to me... in fact so much that I want to have it enlarged and framed. I want to say a special THANK YOU to my Aunt Gayla for getting the family together. She had put together this work sheet for everyone to figure out who did what. It was really neat and fun but most of all it was a way for us to get to know our family better. There were some really neat things that I learned about people. Just to name a couple of things that I had not known until then was my Grandpa's nick name was "T-BONE" another thing I learned was my Great Uncle Jack (Grandpa's brother) was a professional Basketball Player! There were several other things that were fun to learn but I just wanted to mention a couple. While we were at the reunion my girls had me show them around the house and yard. Its amazing at how much it was the same but also how much things have changed since Grandpa & Grandma have passed on. I loved showing and sharing my childhood with my kids and it really means the world to me that my Grandparent's HOME is still in the family. My kids love climbing the apple tree in the back yard and looking at where Grandma & Grandpa had their garden. One thing that my kids loved the most was being able to swing on the very same swing that Me and my Sister grew up swinging on. What a great time we had!!! Thank you to everyone that was at the Reunion and I love you all and look forward to seeing you all very soon!!!

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