Saturday, September 13, 2008

An Evening of Fishing...

Steve decided he wanted to take the kids fishing late this afternoon. Hayli and Steve had gotten fishing polls for Christmas last year and they hadn't used them yet. Steve loaded the polls in the car and went to find a good spot to fish. Me and the kids met him over at the Bountiful Pond just west of the new LEGACY PARKWAY. He told me to head down 5th South and get on heading towards the dump. So I do this only to find that there ISN'T an EXIT at the dump like we thought there was. I then went clear into Centerville and took a dirt road in thinking it would conect us to the Pond... We'll just say I had to turn around and cut through West Bountiful and all the way back to 5th South to go OVER the FREEWAY not on it.... (thank you Steve) men and their directions.... LOL Needless to say the kids and I finally made it to the Pond to go fishing. We had a few bites but we never did catch anything. Then one of the polls got really tangled so there were 4 people fishing off of one poll. By this time its already 8:00 and we had not eaten dinner so we decide to go home and come back another day. It was great to be outside enjoying each other!!! Thank you Steve for such a great afternoon fishing together!!!

1 comment:

Nichole W. said...

We are so proud of all of you. Good job!