Thursday, July 30, 2009

Too BIG for her own BRITCHES...

Ya know it is really hard facing the fact that my little girl is growing up! Sadly so Hayli is now going into Jr. High and is now a TWEEN (that's what they call them now...the kids thinking they are a teenager...) LOL Hayli has really matured and I'm not quite sure I'm ready for this. Just for starters...."BOYS" are now looking at her UGHHHH We have a pass to our local REC CENTER and we go swimming nearly every day. Well its hard to see these cute little boys (thats what I will call them) ok... some teenagers too come up to her and tell her how CUTE she is and then they ask her to GO OUT!!!! WHAT THE HECK is that all about!!! She was all excited and came to tell me about it and I just nearly died!!! I AM SO NOT READY FOR THIS!!!! I asked Hayli what does it mean to "GO OUT" her answer back is... "MOM...ITS JUST A SAYING!" what does that mean..."WELL IF THEIR FRIENDS SAY SHE IS CUTE THEN THE OTHER GUY WILL SAY WE ARE GOING OUT" OK... so its just a status thing then? "YA MOM...DON'T YOU KNOW THAT?" NOPE I didn't but now I DO!!! In one week Hayli was asked out by 3 boys and dumped by one... ROTFL NICE!!! What do I do.... STEVE IS NOT AT ALL HAPPY ABOUT THIS AND IN FACT HIS EXACT WORDS WERE..."IF I WAS TO HAVE SEEN YOU TALKING TO A BOY I WOULD HAVE GONE OVER THERE AND ASKED HIM WHAT THE HELL HE THOUGHT HE WAS DOING TALKING TO MY DAUGHTER!!!" Have you ever heard of a condition called...O.P.F.S. OVER PROTECTIVE FATHER SYNDROME... Well now we have... I feel so bad for HAYLI and whatever BOY's ever take her out once she is 16... Only 4 more years until that day comes... Trust me we can wait!!! Here are a few pictures of Hayli and how she is becoming such a beauty...

1 comment:

Nichole W. said...

Duh, Teresa. You don't know what "going out" means? When I was that age it meant you were a couple...for a few weeks at least! :)
Yes, she is getting too old too fast. But she is a beauty!