Monday, August 3, 2009

Missing my Grandma & Grandpa Mayne

Joseph & Ivy Mayne

I was doing laundry today and came across the nightgown that was my Grandma's. I love wearing this nightgown its so comfortable and reminds me so much of her. I miss my Grandma and Grandpa Mayne so very much. Growing up we had so much fun living just a house away. We went fishing together, camping, lots of Sunday dinners and just walking home from school and seeing them working in the yard. One thing I miss is listening to General Conference and Picking Apples...the occasional apple that would strike you in some way or another from Grandma giving it a little toss. Playing UNO at fish lake or any other fun place with them and being able to see Grandpa's cards in his glasses because they would be sliding down his nose. Grandma making HOMEMADE bread and how her house smelt when you would come over. (which I later learned was RHODES!) The many parties we would have that would end in a water fight and all would participate.

I just want to say how very much I love and miss my Grandma & Grandpa...I can't wait for the day that we will meet again. I love you and miss you please watch over my family and I while you are away from us. Love always!!!

1 comment:

Andrea - said...

Thanks for posting this T. I miss grandma (and grandpa) too. It's great to remember all the fun times. Becca posted some old family pics on her blog for Grandma's brithday if you want to see some funny old pictures...