Thursday, August 27, 2009

Hayli's first day of JR. HIGH...

Typical teenager...always texting
Our Hayli Bug all sorts of grown up
Mom....look how LONG my TIE is!
Hey at least in this picture she looks small....its only the angle YOU took it from MOM!!!! "quoted from HAYLI"

Hayli started Jr. High on Wednesday at the new Legacy Prep Secondary School. This is the same school she has been attending just the new Jr. High/High School. We went to back to school night and toured the new school and went and found all of her classes so she would be ready. The first day was great and she is happy to be back at school with all her friends and new friends to meet. Its hard to believe my first born baby is now in Jr. High School it doesn't seem like it has been that long ago that I myself was in Jr. High. How time flies by and now with my own children it seems to go even faster.


Nichole W. said...

She looks so grown up! So does she still have to wear uniforms?

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