Thursday, April 9, 2009

What wonderful home teachers we have!!!

We have some of the greatest home teachers ever!!! They are so Christ like and we absolutely love them. Kirk & Susie are so very thoughtful every Holiday they have brought our family some sort of treat each time they come. They have even brought over little activities for the kids to do while they are here. We couldn't ask for better people to come and visit us and share the love of the gospel they have. We love them so very much and look forward to seeing them each month and on Sunday's!!! WE LOVE YOU BOTH SO VERY MUCH and THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU DO FOR OUR FAMILY!!!

For Easter they brought over this cute "bunny cake" Susie made it and its the funnest thing I have ever seen.

Thanks again!!!


Nichole W. said...

That cake is so cute! You guys are lucky!

Carrie said...

They sound like great home teachers! Love the cake! Hey, where did you move to?