Sunday, April 12, 2009

Coloring Easter EGGS...

The kids and I colored Easter Eggs on Saturday late afternoon. It was so much fun and the kids really enjoyed it. They each got to do a dozen and a few extra's :) Here is a video of the events and also a few pictures. I am so very grateful for this time of year because of the Birth of our beloved Savior Jesus Christ. I am so grateful for all he has done for not only me but also my family. I love him so very much and my Heavenly Father for sending his son to this Earth. I can't even begin to think of the pain that he felt knowing what his beloved son would go through. Love to you all!

I thought it was so cute how Gracie said "HAPPY JESUS" instead of Happy Easter! She must be in tune with him.


Sherri said...

Cute!!! I can't believe how big they are!!!

Andrea - said...

HOw's the new house?